When we get to a certain age we just assume that health problems and medications are inevitable. A large percentage of men and women ages 35 and older have had the unfortunate doctor visit where they were told, “If you don’t get these numbers under control I’ll have to start you on cholesterol/blood pressure medication.” Many people accept this fate as a normal thing and choose to resort to various medications for the rest of their lives. Check our conditions list here.

According to statistics, the leading cause of death in both women and men is heart disease. Women lead this statistic at 48%, and men fall shortly below at 46%. That is more than 1 in 3 people. What is more shocking is that only 1 in 5 people believe that heart disease is their greatest threat. Most people do not believe this can be avoided. You can take control of your health and even reverse the effects of heart disease by starting and maintaining simple habits. Diet, exercise, and lifestyle are huge contributing factors to heart health. Among these, exercise is the most important. Even the healthiest diet pales in comparison to the affects physical activity have on the body.
Here are a few simple exercises to improve cardiovascular health and help keep those numbers under control before resorting to daily medication.

1. Walking- The simplest, yet most affective exercise is walking. It has been proven that consistent aerobic exercise such as walking, running or jogging can lower the risk of heart attack, raise good HDL cholesterol, and lower bad LDL cholesterol. Not to mention it’s free, easy, and potentially fun if you have a partner to walk with.
2. Swimming- Swimming offers what no other exercise does: the ability to get a whole-body workout without harsh impact to your bones and joints. It is ideal for those who are overweight or suffer from arthritis. Swimming is a great way to increase muscular strength, muscle tone, as well as bone density. It also increases range of motion which is beneficial for joints and ligaments to aid in flexibility. Most importantly, it strengthens the heart, allowing it to pump more efficiently.
3. Biking- Whether you’re riding outside, or using a stationary bike, biking is a great way to improve cardiovascular health. Like swimming, biking also requires minimal impact on the joints. Biking raises the heart rate, makes you sweat, burns fat, and increases muscle tone. Benefits of biking include weight loss, lower blood pressure, and improved cholesterol.
4. Resistance Training- Resistance training, such as squats, lunges, leg lifts, planks, push-ups, sit-ups and weight lifting have numerous positive effects. This form of exercise helps to increase muscle mass, which will help in weight control. Reducing excess body fat is one of the best ways to improve heart health.
5. Yoga- Yoga is a great way to improve physical, mental, and emotional well-being. The stretching, breathing, and poses of this form of exercise has many benefits for heart and overall health. Yoga allows increased flexibility, increased lung capacity, decreases stress, promotes relaxation and improves balance and muscle tone. These benefits can help lower blood pressure, improve respiratory function, and boost circulation all while building strength.
Spending time every day to be active can change a person’s life. Doing physical activity to increase your heart rate for only 30 minutes a day will deliver many heart-health benefits. If 30 minutes is too difficult, it can be divided into two 15-minute sessions day. But always keep in mind that doing some exercise is better than doing nothing – your heart will thank you!
Want more heart health tips? Read this article from The University of Arizona.