Dr. Naidu speaking at the 2018 International Vein Congress.
Dr. Naidu has been treating venous disease and arterial disease for over a decade.
Recently, he was invited to speak at the 2018 International Vein Congress.
“The conference will focus on the arrangement of proper settings for endovascular surgery since the number of such surgeries has grown to a large number in the recent years. The conference as always will bring together the most experienced and acclaimed researchers, and practitioners from the field to provide insights into new advances in the areas of ThromboEmbolic Disease, Thermal Endovenous Ablation, Venous Ulceration, and Perforating Veins. The attendees of International Vein Congress will go back with the latest updates from the field.”
Cardiovascular Institute of the Shoals has always placed innovation and excellence in patient care as one of it’s guiding mission statements. We were honored that Dr. Naidu was asked to speak about his experiences in the field of venous disease.
The annual congress in partnered with the Society for Vascular Surgery and the American Venous Forum.
Contact Dr. Naidu here.